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Creative Services

As a creative professional, I have over 30 years of experience in strategic visioning, project management, visual communications, creative direction, journalism, and editing. I lead teams with collaboration, trust, and respect.

Strategic Project Development

Every project requires a coherent strategy, a clear vision, efficient processes, and engaged people. As a consultant, I help define and implement strategies to bring concepts and ideas to life.

Graphic Design

Communicate your message visually with compelling, consistent use of graphics, layout, typography, color, photography, and other visual elements.   

Creative Direction

Creative direction is strategically guiding vision and style to harness the power of design, art, writing, and storytelling. It's essential to connecting with your audience and developing effective brand identity.


Are you connecting with your audience through cohesive visual and written communication? Is your tone and style aligned with your strategic vision and intended audience? 

When I first got hired . . . one of my coworkers told me "Amethel is a genius." She said it without hesitation or hyperbole, like it was just an undeniable fact. And now, ten years later, I would tell anyone the same thing in the same way. Amethel's intelligence, insight, and wisdom is inspiring enough. But her heart, her passion, and her genuine dedication . . . takes her work to another level. As a leader, she helps bring out each team member's unique gifts and talents, and is constantly encouraging. Her standards . . . are very high, and she nurtures a team culture in which we all strive to meet those standards . . . I'm consistently awed by what Amethel accomplishes and the thoughtful, sincere manner in which she accomplishes it. There aren't enough positive words to describe the experience of being part of the Brilliant Star team under Amethel's guidance. It's been a true honor to work for her and with her, and I am thankful for the personal and professional relationship we've developed over the years. I couldn't cobble together a more competent, compassionate, and complete package of a boss if I tried. 

– Annie Reneau

© 2024 by Amethel Parel-Sewell

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